Activist art is a form of performance art that provides a political or social statement. It differs from basic performance art in that it seeks to promote a specific opinion and enlighten, or even change ,the mind of the viewer about political, religious, or social concepts.
One artist activist is Emma Sulkowicz. She was raped in her college dorm bed. She is a visual art major. Sulkowicz feels she carries the weight of the rape with her everywhere. To represent this, she carries a mattress around campus with her. She plans to continue carrying the mattress around until the rapist is no longer attending college at the same campus as she is. Sulkowicz says that this performance art piece is a form of protest against rape. She sees the coverage by the press and the attention from fellow college students as her audience for the performance. This brings awareness about rape and the burden the victim has to carry long after. She says that often people will stop and offer to carry the mattress for her but the rule is that no one can help her carry the mattress. She must do it alone. The artist feels that in doing this she will become more comfortable carrying the mattress as time goes by,
Art activists like Sulkowiczfeel their art form is more effective than simply creating a traditional gallery work. This is because it reaches a larger audience and is more personal.
Ragina Galindo also uses activist art to relay her message to society. She used a $5000 grant from the government to hire an ex-military man to teach her how to use military weapons. She wanted to show how the traffic of weapons as a performance of power.
Kimsooja became aware of the posture of an old beggar woman. She wanted to express the humble position of begging and see what the response of the public would be. She also wanted to see what it felt like for her to take this position. The artist performed “A Beggar Woman” by sitting in the beggar position perfectly still for hours in an outdoor public space. She wanted to bring awareness of the beggars of Beijing. The artist also did a performance piece on homelessness.
Activist art may seem crazy to some but is often the only way to reach those who do not want to take the time to step into a formal gallery to view art. Basically the art comes to the viewer and is in their environment. The art form also acts as a softer medium with which to portray harsh realities. A viewer might not want to read about rape, poverty or homelessness but would watch an art activist perform.