Satirical Writing: Dessert for the Soul

There are many avenues used to distribute information. Some are news articles that are strictly factual, reviews of public events, political commentaries, , enlightening writing, prose, poetry and writing that forecasts future directions of the nation.  The writer can brings their style to each piece regardless of the framework for the article. Satirical writing stands above all styles in that it reaches the heart of the reader while making the point. The facts are present but they are wrapped up in the blanket of sarcastic wit. This style of writing makes factual articles that are often boring easier to swallow, much like the sugar coating on a pill. Erma Bombeck is a writer best known for her satire about suburban home life in the 1960's. Her books and newspaper commentaries on life were accurate and true but could not be read without a giggle, or full out laughter. Satire is a style that can be used as a tool and incorporated into any writers format. A new writer can practice this method by  first simply writing the factual version of an article and then rereading the article and thinking of their personal reactions or thoughts about it that are funny. Those personal reactions can be incorporated into the factual piece and become the emotional bridge for the reader.